Amid the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan wrote to Union External Affairs Minister Jaishankar seeking aid in the repatriation of three Kerala residents who were trapped into fighting for Russia. One of the three individuals was reportedly duped in the pretext of lucrative jobs and made to join the Russian Military Force.

In the letter, Vijayan highlighted the plight of numerous young individuals stranded in Russia from different regions of India emphasising the need for swift repatriation. He urged the External Affairs Ministry to engage with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on their behalf.

Till now, two Indian nationals lost their lives while serving in the Russian Army during the conflict with Ukraine. Around 20 others were reportedly misled into participating in Russia's war with Ukraine under false promises of lucrative employment opportunities, according to a report on ANI.

The Kerala government received a plea from Sebastian and others seeking assistance in bringing back Tinu, Prince, and Vineeth, natives of Anchuthengu in Thiruvananthapuram district.

According to Vijayan, referencing the petition, the three individuals traveled to Russia on January 23, 2024, seeking employment as security personnel. Each had paid Rs 7 lakh to an agent for this purpose. However, the agent allegedly deceived them, coercing them into joining the Russian Military Force against their will.

The petitioners reportedly said that they were posted with 15 days of training in the war zone. In an encounter,  Prince suffered severe injuries and was rushed to hospital. He also contacted his parents and informed them about two others who were also posted at the same place. "Now it is learnt that more young people from various parts of the country are stranded in Russia and are waiting for repatriation. The matter has already been taken up with the Ambassador of India, Moscow, Russia and Joint Secretary, ERS Division of the Ministry of External Affairs, vide letters dated January 16 and 19," the letter said, as per the report.

However, there was no response from both the end, he said. 

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