After Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan directed vice chancellors of nine universities to quit, the ruling LDF government announced a series of protests and the state Higher Education Minister R Bindu condemned the Governor's move calling it an "unfortunate situation".

The Kerala Education Minister questioned, "Has any governor in country taken such measures?"

"I condemn this move. Has any governor in country taken such measures? This is an unfortunate situation. This can be seen as an attempt to interfere in government activities. Our universities are making exceptional achievements," Minister Bindu said as quoted by news agency ANI.

Also read | Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan Asks For Resignation Of 9 University Vice-Chancellors By Monday Morning

The Governor demanded the resignations of the vice chancellors of nine universities in the state, citing a recent Supreme Court decision that invalidated the appointment of the VCs of the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University in this city for violating UGC rules.

Earlier on Sunday, Raj Bhavan said in a statement, "The letters directing Vice Chancellors of nine Universities of Kerala to tender their resignation by 1130 a.m on 24 October 2022, have been issued."

As reported earlier, the appointment of Dr. Rajasree MS as vice chancellor of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University had been overturned by the apex court because, according to the University Grants Commission, only one name from the search committee's panel of at least three qualified candidates should have been forwarded to the chancellor.