The Congress party clarified its stance on Friday, distancing itself from the actions of Youth Congress-KSU workers who attempted to sprinkle cow dung water on the stage used by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a recent event in central Kerala, news agency PTI reported. T N Prathapan, a Member of Parliament for Congress in the Lok Sabha, emphasised that such actions contradicted the party's principles and ethos.

During a press conference, Prathapan stated that the controversial decision was made solely by the KSU state committee, without the explicit consent of the Congress party. "Our party maintains a distinct approach to protests, firmly rooted in democratic values," he affirmed, adding that Congress would not endorse any activity undermining democratic decorum, as reported by PTI. 

Highlighting the party's ideological commitment, Prathapan underscored that Congress draws inspiration from iconic leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, according to the report. He emphasised the party's resolve to uphold their legacy without engaging in actions that could tarnish its contributions, the report added further.

The incident in Thrissur unfolded amidst heightened tensions when BJP workers vehemently opposed the Youth Congress-KSU activists' attempt to cleanse the stage using cow dung water, a ritualistic practice rooted in Hindu traditions to purify spaces. Prompt police intervention was required to restore order, with officers employing force to disperse the conflicting groups.

In response, BJP state chief K Surendran criticised Congress, alleging that the act epitomised the party's elitist perspective.

Surendran further insinuated that Congress's objection stemmed from prejudice against Prime Minister Modi's OBC background, questioning their motives behind challenging his presence on the revered grounds of Lord Vadakkumnathan in Thekkinkadu Maidan, the PTI report said.