Kerala BJP President K Surendran called for immediate arrest of Congress MP Anto Antony citing his alleged 'anti-national' remarks on Wednesday. Surendran said that Antony's statement aimed at appealing to a specific voter demographic lacked a factual basis and deserved legal action. Antony had allegedly asked what was the role of Pakistan in the Pulwama terror attack which claimed the lives of 42 CRPF personnel in February 2019. 

According to IANS, Surendran said, “This is a cruel statement as it will affect the morale of our forces. The voters at Pathanamthitta will give a befitting reply to Antony’s pro-Pakistan remark. The responsible authorities should ensure that Antony is put in jail for his anti-national statement.” 

Anil K Antony, Anto Antony's BJP rival in Pathanamthitta and son of former Defence Minister AK Antony, labeled the Congress MP's statement as 'irresponsible.' Anil Antony said, "What happened in Pulwama was a terror attack by enemies of our nation. Cross-border terrorism is one of the biggest challenges we have been facing for a long time. By a statement like this, he is whitewashing the terror activities of Pakistan. He has also insulted the sacrifices of our Jawans and questioned the astounding work done by our Armed forces. He has proven that he doesn't deserve to set foot in the Parliament again."

Addressing the media on Wednesday, Anto Antony, the incumbent Lok Sabha representative from Pathanamthitta, accused the Central government of deliberately raising issues to gain electoral advantage. He highlighted the timing of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) notification before the Lok Sabha elections and the Pulwama attack preceding the 2019 polls. 

"The defence establishment was perplexed as to how such a large consignment of explosives was sourced without the knowledge of those in the know of things. What was the role of Pakistan in it? The lives of the security personnel were sacrificed, and this has been already pointed out by then J&K Governor Satya Pal Mallik,” Antony claimed, as per the report.

ALSO READ: 'CAA Won't Be Taken Back': Amit Shah Lashes Out At Oppn, Responds To 'Anti-Muslim Law' Claims