A video featuring Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah's son, Yathindra, purportedly providing instructions to his father concerning a task limited to a specific list of 4-5 names has gone viral on social media. While the nature of the discussion remains unclear, former CM Kumaraswamy has accused Yathindra of meddling in government affairs and accepting bribes for job postings. The video comes at a time when the Opposition has been criticising Yathindra for collecting YST (Yathindra Service Tax) to do government work.

In response to the viral video of Yatindra Siddaramaiah, Former Karnataka CM and JD(S) leader HD Kumaraswamy said, "We won't leave this issue, Karnataka had some good governance before...but under this govt, what is going on for the last 5 months?..."

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BJP leader Dr CN Ashwath Narayan highlighted that Yathindra was not a legislator so with the video YST has come to light again. According to ANI, he said, "Once again YST tax has come to light. He is not even an elected member or a legislator. An inquiry must be conducted into this. The CM should tell whether or not he will take action under the law on this."

Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah defended his son Yathindra after the viral video on Thursday. In a Facebook post, CM Siddaramaiah said, "When he was in power, former CM HD Kumaraswamy, who was drowning in bribery and commission business, has seen and heard bribery dealing. Kumaraswamy is jumping on the phone conversation between me and my son which was held in public regarding the development of schools in Varuma constituency."

"I can only sympathise with this petty behavior of Kumaraswamy," he said, as per ANI.