Thousands of people from across India converged on the tranquil village of Kutaganahalli in Karnataka's Koppal district on Saturday morning to receive a herbal medicine, famed for its efficacy in treating respiratory issues, particularly asthma. Sporting traditional attire—a dhoti, anga vastram, and a vermillion tilak on his forehead—the bare-chested traditional healer Ashok Rao Kulkarni was prepared with globular medicines, ready to distribute them to those in need. 

This 'wonder pill,' crafted by traditional healer Kulkarni, has drawn individuals from various parts of Karnataka, as well as neighboring Maharashtra and other southern states. According to Kulkarni, the medicine must be administered precisely when the moon transitions from 'Mrugashira Nakshatra' to 'Ardra Nakshatra.' The auspicious time, or 'Muhurta,' for consuming the medicine occurred at 7:47 am on Saturday, coinciding with the 'Jyeshtha Maasa' of the Hindu lunar calendar, a period believed to enhance the medicine's potency due to the rains.

The Kulkarni family has a legacy of over a century in distributing this medicine. "Earlier, my father Vyasa Rao Kulkarni gave this medicine for 60 years, and after him, I started distributing it. This marks my 40th year," Ashok Rao Kulkarni shared with reporters, as per PTI. The enduring trust in the medicine's effectiveness draws massive crowds to the village annually, with the medicine offered free of charge.

The atmosphere in Kutaganahalli resembled a grand fair. The anticipation of a large turnout prompted numerous vendors to set up temporary stalls, selling vegetables, food items, and various knick-knacks. The village saw a significant influx of vehicles, including SUVs, as people formed long queues to receive the coveted 'wonder pill,' which remains a closely guarded family secret.

ALSO READ: Telangana's Bathini Family To Distribute 'Fish Prasadam' For Asthma Patients All Day On June 8

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