Chennai: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai reportedly lost his cool and snatched the mic of a seer during a public event at Mahadevapura in Bengaluru on Thursday. The CM then took the mic and tried to respond to the criticism placed by the seer.
On Thursday, Kaginele Mahasamsthana Kanaka Guru Peeta seer Eshwaranandapuri Swamiji during the event mentioned the problems including flooding and poor infrastructure in the region. The seer also reportedly blamed the inefficiency of the politicians for the trouble.
On hearing this, Karnataka CM Bommai immediately took away the mic from the seer to respond to the criticism.
According to ANI, “Karnataka CM takes the mic from seer Eshwaranandapuri Swami during an event to respond to his criticism on civic issues in Bengaluru, y'day (Friday).”
To the speech of the seer, the CM replied, “I am not the one who only gives assurances but has released funds to find a solution to these problems.”
He also said that he's the kind of Chief Minister who delivers what he promised.
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During the previous monsoon, Bengaluru witnessed poor roads and flooding. Recently, there were also accidents related to the developmental projects undertaken in the metro city.
The video showed that both the speech of the seer and the chief minister received applause from the crowd.
However, the speech has come at a time when the state is expected to run up for the Assembly elections this year.