New Delhi: After the management of Government Pre-University College in Udipi district's Kundapura decided to allow entry of students wearing hijab into college on Monday, the students said that the college principal and faculty met them and asked if they want to go to classes by removing hijab, reports ANI news agency

While the students, who weren't allowed into classrooms for over a month, are protesting in the hijab row, the BJP OBC Morcha Gen Secretary & Udupi College Development Committee Vice-President, Yashpal Suvarna said, "They (the protesting students) aren't interested in education, they can't tolerate the development of the country...Hindu Rashtra is our main agenda..."

The students who were allowed entry into the college claimed that the college administration hasn't allowed them into the classrooms with hijabs and they have decided to sit outside in halls. "Classes not going on for us, we're just sitting here," one of the students further claimed, reports ANI news agency.

Also read | Karnataka Hijab Row: Students Wearing Headscarves Allowed Entry Into Campus, To Be Seated In Separate Classroom

In this regard, Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra said that both hijab and shawls are not allowed in the college premises. He further reiterated that the state government has already clarified that students should wear the uniform approved by college management.

He said, "Students should think beyond religion. Uniform is a symbol of equality. I suspect some vested interest behind these issues (Udupi row). I directed cops to inquire about it as to who is involved in instigating it."

Classes suspended at Shanteshwar Education Trust in Vijayapura

On the lines of the students wearing hijab and denied entry into college, some students arrived at the Shanteshwar Education Trust campus in Vijayapura wearing saffron stoles, the management has to suspend classes for the day.