The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has nabbed the absconders in the Rameswaram Cafe blast case. Adbul Matheen Taha and Mussavir Hussain Shazeb were traced out to their hideout near Kolkata and were apprehended by the NIA team.


Mussavir Hussain Shazib was the accused who placed the IED at the Café, said the federal agency, adding that Abdul Matheen Taha was the mastermind behind the planning, execution of the blast and subsequent evasion from the clutches of law.


Elaborating on the operation, the agency said the two accused were nabbed on Friday morning who were hiding under false identity. 

"On early morning hours of April 12, NIA traced the absconding accused Abdul Matheen Taha and Mussavir Hussain Shazeb near Kolkata where they were hiding under false identities. NIA was supported by co-ordinated action and co-operation between Central Intelligence agencies and State Police agencies of West Bengal, Telangana, Karnataka, and Kerala police," said the NIA. 

Last month, the agency had released the videos of the suspect, where he could be seen without a mask on a BMTC bus, linked to the blast seeking citizens' help in ascertaining the identity. 

The federal probe agency asked citizens with relevant information to call them on their numbers or email.

A low intensity explosion had hit Bengaluru's Rameshwaram Cafe on March 1. 

The cafe reopened for public on March 9 and the staff screened every customer using handheld detectors before allowing entry. The police had barricaded the facility and a pooja program was held under police security before resuming the operations.