At his first meeting with senior police officials on Tuesday, Karnataka chief minister Siddaramaiah said there should be “no saffronisation” and “no moral policing”. “We will put an end to this,” he said. The chief minister pulled up the top police brass for their style of functioning under the previous BJP government and asked them to work impartially. The priority, he continued, should be people-friendly policing and ensuring law and order. He also told the police to act swiftly and stringently against social media posts that may disrupt social harmony or provoke certain groups.

Siddaramaiah said, "We have asked the police to be people friendly, they should be courteous towards people who come to file complaints. Not only the police inspector, DCPs will also be held responsible for crimes and illegal acts like -- rowdyism, clubs, drug menace -- in any of their police station limits, and action will be taken against them," reported news agency PTI.

Addressing reporters, he said, "during the maintenance of law and order, there should not be any discrimination between religions, and everyone should be seen equally, and should be protected equally."

Deputy chief minister D.K. Shivakumar, ministers K.J. George, K.H. Muniyappa, B.Z. Zameer Ahmed Khan, M.B. Patil and Satish Jarakiholi, and ACS to chief minister Rajaneesh Goel also attended the meeting

Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar warned them that his government will not let the officers “saffronise” the force. He issued a warning to the officers and said, "I have given warning to the police department, not to wear saffron on the uniform."  The Dy CM said this with regard to some policemen donning saffron attire in Mangaluru, Vijayapura, and Bagalkot during the celebration of a festival under the BJP regime in 2021. He warned the officers to not allow such activities from taking place within the department.