Karnataka police arrested a BJP worker for allegedly posting a derogatory social media post against Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and his family. The BJP worker, Shakunthala, reportedly shared a Congress leader's tweet and asked what if this happened to Siddaramaiah's daughter-in-law or wife. The post by the Congress leader was related to the Karnataka toilet video scandal. 

Based on the tweet, a complaint was filed against the BJP worker at High Grounds Police Station in Bengaluru. Later, the police arrested her after registering a case.

Recently, students reportedly recorded a video of another student in a women's toilet at a private professional training college in Udupi. The police have already registered two cases including a case against three students for allegedly deleting a purported video. The other case was based on uploading the hidden camera video on Youtube channel.

Earlier, the police said that there was no communal angle to the incident. They also requested the public to not believe in the "misinformation" spread regarding the incident. 

Addressing the reporters in Udupi, District SP Hakay Akshay Machhindra said that college management took disciplinary action and three female students have been suspended following the incident. 

The SP said that the victim informed the college management that the video was made for fun and deleted later. However, it was not circulated, as per PTI.

Meanwhile, Udupi MLA Yashpal Suvarna told the police to register a suo motu case against the students. The MLA said that the three students have tainted the image of the district. 

He said that he suspects the role of unseen hands behind the incident. 

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