Chennai: Police have taken 19 people into custody after the body of an eight-year-old girl was recovered from a drain in Dakishna Karnataka on Sunday. 

As per a report on IANS, the minor girl was the daughter of a migrant labourer and the incident took place while she was playing in a tile factory in Parari village.   

According to Mangaluru rural police, on Sunday, the girl informed her parents and reportedly went to play in the tile factory. As she did not return for a long time, her parents soon started to look for her. However, after an intensive search, the police recovered the body from the drains on Sunday night. 

Following this, her parents lodged a police complaint and raised suspicion over the workers of the tile factory. 

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The Mangaluru rural police, talking about the incident, said, the factory has 30 workers, including people from Karnataka and across the country. On Sunday, of the total, only 20 people reported for work. 

The Mangaluru Police Commissioner N Shashikumar said that they have taken most of the workers of the factory into custody and investigations are underway.

The parents have alleged rape and murder of the girl while the police have registered a murder case and are awaiting an autopsy report to proceed with further investigation. The cause of the death will soon be ascertained and the people responsible will be arrested, said police.