A week after an interfaith couple in Karnataka was forcibly stopped from getting married by the members of Bajrang Dal, the couple got their marriage registered on Friday. The couple -- Jaffar and Chaitra -- were allegedly stopped from registering their marriage at the Chikkamagaluru registrar's office on Wednesday, as Bajrang Dal members claimed that it was a case of 'love jihad'. Chaitra belongs to Scheduled Caste community and Jaffar is a Muslim.

Despite their parents being happy about the wedding, it couldn't get registered on time, said Jaffar, who works as a driver and helps his father in the timber business. "I and Chaitra are neighbours and we have been friends from childhood. We know each other very well and three years ago, our love relationship started. But that doesn’t mean she is going to change religion. We want to live together and will follow our own practices.

"We did not expect that we would be attacked that day. Both families were happy about our marriage. Though the marriage has been registered now, under the present circumstances, we do not know when and where to hold a wedding event to invite out friends and family," said Jaffar as quoted by Indian Express.

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Bajrang Dal members allegedly brought up Chaitra's caste. She questioned the Bajrang Dal members in retaliation as they asked Jaffar while attacking him, "Do you want to marry an SC girl?"

"Who are they to dictate to us?" she said. "It is our wish to marry, and we earn a living. Who are they to question and tell us what we should and should not do? Who are they to ask that? Can’t SC girls marry according to their wish?" Chaitra told IE.

Meanwhile, several Dalit organisations offered support to the couple.