New Delhi: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Thursday announced that schools will reopen from February 14 for classes up to the 10th standard. Degree colleges will reopen later.

He referred to the Karnataka High Court's statement delivered today as he said: "The last two days have been very peaceful. Adjourning the matter for Monday, a three-member bench of the High Court today has appealed to all the schools to reopen but no religious dress codes should be followed by both sides".

ALSO READ | Dress Code Row: There Is An Effort To Divide The Country By Religion, Says Madras High Court

"I appeal to everyone to work together and see that there is peace in the colleges. Schools will reopen from Monday for classes up to the 10th standard. Degree colleges will reopen later," the Karnataka Chief Minister announced, as reported by news agency ANI.

He further informed that the Karnataka government will decide about reopening schools for classes 11 and 12 as well as other degree colleges in the second stage, according to the situation.

Karnataka HC Asks Students Not To Insist On Wearing 'Religious Things' Till Matter Is Resolved

The announcement comes after the Karnataka High court hearing the Hijab issue on Thursday asked students not to insist on wearing any cloth on campuses of educational institutions which can instigate people, till the matter is resolved.

The full court, posting the matter for Monday, also said that the educational institutions can resume classes for the students.

The three-judge full bench of Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi, Justice JM Khazi, and Justice Krishna S Dixit was constituted on Wednesday.

It stressed that it wants the matter to be resolved at the earliest but till that time peace and tranquillity is to be maintained.

"Till the disposal of the matter, you people should not insist on wearing all these religious things," CJ Awasthi said, as quoted by news agency PTI.

"We will pass an order. Let the schools-colleges start. But till the matter is resolved, no student should insist on wearing religious dress", he added.

Notably, the petitioners' lawyer Devadatt Kamat requested the court to consider his objection that such an order will amount to suspension of his client's constitutional rights under article 25. "That will be a total affront to their rights," Devadatt Kamat contended.

Chief Justice Awasthi responded to the objection saying that the arrangement is only for a few days till the matter is resolved and asked him to cooperate.

According to PTI, the Hijab row started in December end when a few students started coming to the government pre-university college in Udupi wearing Hijab.

In a move to protest against it, some Hindu students turned up wearing saffron scarves. The row spread to other educational institutions in different parts of Karnataka.

The protests took a further untoward turn earlier this week, prompting the state government on Tuesday to declare a three-day holiday for the institutions.

(With Inputs From Agencies)