Following the identification of a case of COVID-19 sub-variant JN.1 in nearby Kerala, the Karnataka government ordered that persons over the age of 60 who have comorbidities and symptoms of cough, phlegm, and fever wear face masks, news agency PTI reported. Increased testing for persons with such symptoms and suspected cases, as well as increased monitoring in border areas, are among the steps that authorities have been directed to implement, according to Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao.

The situation is being closely followed, and there is currently no need for any restrictions on movement or gathering of individuals, he said, adding that the government will issue an advice.

"There is no need for anyone to worry. We had held a meeting day-before-yesterday and our technical advisory committee headed by Dr (K) Ravi had met yesterday and there was discussion between our officials and experts regarding the measures to be taken," Rao was quoted by PTI in its report.

"Those above 60-years of age and those with comorbidities like issues related to heart, kidney among others, and those with cough, phlegm and fever should mandatorily wear masks. We are communicating this to the public. Also we have asked our hospitals and health centres to be prepared. There should be more surveillance in border districts like -- Kodagu, Dakshina Kannada, Chamarajanagara -- which share border with Kerala," he added.

He stated that the government will consider what further steps to take based on the scenario. Along with increased border monitoring, directives have been given to expand testing, and people with symptoms and suspicious cases are being required to undergo testing.

"In a couple of days we will get to know if the infections are increasing or not. As we increase COVID tests, if more positive cases are recorded, we will decide on further measures that need to be taken. There is no need for imposing any curbs or restrictions now itself," Rao said.

On whether there will be any restrictions on Ayyappa pilgrims returning from Kerala, Rao stated that there are currently no restrictions on mobility and gathering.

"We will not stop any such thing now, because such a situation -- where people should not move or gather -- is not there," he said.

"We will monitor the situation daily, in case we get any adverse information, we will say what needs to be done. For those above 60 years of age, those with comorbidities and respiratory issues, wearing masks is good. We will make it mandatory. Advisory will be issued by the government today." The Minister stated that district health officials conducted a mock drill at all hospitals to check their preparedness, noting that checks were conducted on the number of beds, ventilators, oxygen supply, masks, testing and PPE kits, among other things that are required in case of emergency.

"Instructions have been given to make necessary preparations at all health centres and taluk and district hospitals," Rao added.