A former JDS leader who was about to join the BJP was found dead in Karnataka's Kalaburagi. 64-year-old Mallikarjun Muthyal also had injury marks on his genitals. A day before he was murdered, Muthyal attended an event in which Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai participated on Monday.
Muthyal, who is from Karnataka's Kalaburagi district, was set to join the BJP a few days later. The deceased body was found at his shop and the cash from the cash counter was missing, indicating a robbery, said police. Muthyal had a habit of sleeping in his electronics shop name Vishnu Electronics, police further said after a preliminary investigation.
The Kalaburagi police, however, have said that they are not ruling out any angle in the murder case. His family members registered a complaint and said that they are unaware of the reason behind the murder. The police have intensified the investigation to ascertain the reason for Muthyal's death.
The electronic shop owner from Kalaburagi district recently quit Janata Dal (Secular) and joined BJP. He has been attending BJP events since he quit JD(S). Muthyal was also a taluk's honorary president in the Kalaburagi district. He belongs to the Koli Kabbaliga community, which is the fourth most powerful community in North Karnataka.