New Delhi: A day after a Hindu fringe group, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, alleged that Clarence High School in Bengaluru made it mandatory for all the students to carry the Bible and accused the management of making it compulsory for all students to read the Bible, Karnataka Education Minister, BC Nagesh confirmed that the school has clearly mentioned in its website.

The minister asserted that the decision taken by the school is wrong and they will take action against the school after seeking an opinion from the legal department. "Whatever decision was taken by the school is wrong. It is against rules. Karnataka State Education Act clearly says that no school can teach religious books or practices. Don't know why the school forced students to take Bible along," news agency ANI said, quoting Minister BC Nagesh.

Also read | Religious Row In Karnataka: Hindu Outfit Accuses Bengaluru School Of Imposing Bible On All Students

Meanwhile, the Karnataka government has decided to carry out inspections at all the Christian educational institutions in the state. As part of this process, Block Education Officers were asked to visit Christian institutions and inspect the syllabus being imparted to the students, said a news18 report.

On Monday, after the Hindu fringe group claimed that the school made it compulsory for all students to read the Bible, Block Education Officer reached the school to take the report from the school authority. Following this, the school principal Jerry George Matthew said that they are a peace-loving and law-abiding school. He further said that the management has consulted advocates and the school is ready to follow their advice.

The parents' declaration in the Grade 11 application form reads, "You affirm that your child will attend all classes including Morning Assembly Scripture Class and Clubs for his/her own moral and spiritual welfare and will not object to carry the Bible and Hymn Book during his/her stay at Clarence High School."

The Hindu activist claimed that this is a clear violation of the Supreme Court ruling and misuse of Article 25 of the Indian Constitution dealing with religious liberty, reported news18.