Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Saturday entered his chamber in Vidhan Soudha using the West Door, which was earlier closed due to the ‘Vastu Defects’, reported news agency ANI. In a video posted by the agency on Twitter, followers of Siddaramaiah and officials in his office were seen welcoming him when he entered the chamber. As soon as the clip was shared, Twitter users reacted to it with one of them saying, "superstitious things come to an end.

Meanwhile, Karnataka Congress on Tuesday (June 20) staged a protest against the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Central government accusing them of not providing rice to the state. Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah accused the Food Corporation Of India of making false promises to the state government over the supply of rice. 

“Food Corporation of India (FCI) wrote a letter to us saying that they have agreed to supply rice to our state. On 14th June, we got another letter stating that we can't supply rice and wheat,” Siddaramaiah said, as quoted by ANI.

Calling it anti-poor, the Karnataka CM questioned that why they have agreed if there was no stock in FCI. “What does it mean? Why they have agreed if there was no stock in FCI. They are doing hate politics. This is anti-poor,” Siddaramaiah said.

Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar said that the state government is committed to the people that we will provide them 10 kg of free rice and It is the duty of the central government to give rice. Shivakumar further stated that the Karnataka unit of the grand old party is fighting against the double standard politics of the BJP.  

“We are committed to the people of Karnataka that we will provide them 10 kg of free rice. It is the duty of the central government to give us rice. We were giving them money and they agreed to give but now they have refused. We are fighting against the double-standard politics of BJP,” Shivakumar said, as quoted by ANI. “We will buy rice from other states and fulfill our poll promise,” he added.

“We have spoken to Punjab, Chhattisgarh and other neighbouring states. We are going to buy grain from them. I request the central government not to do politics, you are not giving your rice, it is farmers' rice. We don't want free rice from anyone, Karnataka government is capable of buying it,” DK Shivakumar said.

The protest comes amid the slow progress of the monsoon and rising prices of rice and wheat. Rice prices have increased by up to 10 per cent in the last one year at the mandi level and by 8 per cent in the last one month, as per official data.