Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Friday presented the state budget in the assembly after Congress won polls in the May 10 elections. Notably, this is the event budget of Siddaramaiah as the CM of Karnataka. He presented six budgets as CM from 2013-2018. This is also the 14th budget that he has tabled as Finance Minister, reported PTI.
According to ANI, the total budget is estimated to be Rs 3,27,747 crores which include Revenue Expenditure at Rs 2,50,933 crores, Capital Expenditure at Rs 54,374 crores and loan repayment at Rs 22,441 crores. Siddaramaiah-led Congress government hiked the excise duty on liquor by 20 per cent.
The ongoing assembly session has been witnessing massive unrest since its first day on a range of issues including the poll guarantees of the Congress party. Notably, Congress has already launched three of its five poll guarantees and sought time for implementation of the other two.
Earlier, State's Minister KJ George said, "We have already started implementing all the promises we made to the people. We will do it. All five guarantees will be implemented. This Budget's greatest expectation - all five guarantees - will be implemented."
On Thursday, the Karnataka Legislative Assembly was thrown into chaos as allegations and counter-allegations flew between the government and the Opposition over a bus driver-cum-conductor's suicide attempt. Former Chief Minister and BJP leader Basavaraj Bommai accused Agriculture Minister N Chaluvarayaswamy of being responsible for the driver's desperate act, reported news agency PTI. Bommai called for an impartial investigation into the matter and demanded the minister's resignation, citing previous instances where resignations were tendered under similar circumstances.
The BJP leader cited the case of deputy superintendent of police M K Ganapathy, whose suicide in 2016 led to the resignation of then-Home Minister K J George, who was implicated in the officer's allegations. Bommai also highlighted the resignation of BJP minister K S Eshwarappa following a contractor's suicide and accusations of demanding commissions, the PTI report stated.
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