A day after pelting stones at former Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yeddiyurappa's residence and office in Shikaripura, Banjara and Bhovi community blocked the Shikaripura-Shivamogga highway on Tuesday in protest against the state government's announcement of internal reservation for the Scheduled Caste (SCs).

The Karnataka government has recently recommended an internal quota for the SCs in four separate categories, due to which Banjara community's reservation will go down.

Earlier on Tuesday, Stones were pelted at former Karnataka CM BS Yeddiyurappa's office and residence in Shikaripur during a protest staged by Banjara and Bhovi communities. Police resorted to lathi charge at the crowd after the agitators besieged the BJP leader's house and office.

The community believes that the new policy will harm their interests and they started a rally in the town on Monday demanding its withdrawal.

The banners and flags of BJP leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai, were torn down by the youth agitators, who also set fire to tires and sarees to express their discontent.

The protest march, which started from Ambedkar Circle and ended at the Taluk office in Shikaripur witnessed some individuals attempting to besiege Yeddiyurappa’s residence.

In response, police resorted to lathi charge to control the crowd, resulting in injuries to both protestors and officials. Prohibitory orders under Section 144 of the CrPC have been imposed in Shikaripur town to prevent untoward incidents and restore peace.

The Karnataka cabinet had last week decided to introduce internal reservation amongst the SCs. After hiking reservations for the Scheduled Castes from 15 per cent to 17 per cent, CM Bommai announced that 6 per cent reservation would be given to Scheduled Caste left sub-category, 5.5 per cent to Scheduled Caste right, 4.5 per cent to Touchables and one per cent to others, nes agency PTI reported.