New Delhi: Supreme Court agreed to hear the pleas challenging Karnataka High Court's verdict of refusing to lift ban on hijab in educational institutions. Chief Justice of India, NV Ramana, said it will be listed next week before an appropriate bench.

Karnataka High Court in March earlier this year, upheld the hijab ban in educational institutions, stating that wearing hijab is not an essential religious practice in Islam. The Karnataka HC dismissed petitions filed by Muslim girls seeking the right to wear hijabs in classrooms.

Also read | Karnataka: BJP MLA Warns Of Action Against Students Wearing Hijab To College

Hours after the High Court's order, a Muslim student from Karnataka approached Supreme Court against upholding the hijab ban in school and college classrooms. Six Muslim students of a Udupi government college, who filed petitions in the Karnataka HC, decided that they wouldn't attend the classes until they get justice. They then said that they felt betrayed by the High Court's verdict and hoped for relief from the apex court.

"We are of the considered opinion that the prescription of a school uniform is a reasonable restriction Constitutionally permissible, which the students cannot object to," the full bench also comprising Justice Krishna S Dixit and Justice J M Khazi said, as quoted by Indian Express.