Congress MP DK Suresh on Sunday stated that BJP is trying to twist his statement and added that he never "said that the country should be divided," news agency ANI reported. The statement comes after several BJP workers gathered outside his residence in Bengaluru to protest against his "seperate nation" remark, in which he stated that the southern states would be compelled to demand a new nation if the Centre did not rectify the 'injustice' in funds allocation.

Speaking with media, Suresh stated: "In a democracy, everyone has the right to protest and speak, no one can stop them. BJP is twisting my statement. I never said that the country should be divided...let them protest, God bless them. My statement is clear, BJP leaders are trying to twist my statement, I do not need to give importance to what the BJP says."

When questioned why BJP is attempting to twist his remarks, the lone Lok Sabha member of Congress in Karnataka said: "you (media) should ask them... Media which is showing my statement has to go through it and speak. I don't know whether it is media's mistake or BJP's or mine," PTI reported.

"I believe that media is the fourth estate in a democracy, if you say no we are in favour of one side, I can't do anything," he said. 

Protesters were heard yelling 'Vande Mataram', 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai', and 'Down D K Suresh' outside his home in Sadashivanagar, news agency PTI reported.

According to police, the agitators were quickly removed from the scene and shifted into a bus. Suresh is the brother of Karnataka's Deputy Chief Minister and State Congress President, D K Shivakumar. 

"A group of members from the BJP had gathered outside the residence of the Congress MP. They tried to stage a protest there against his statement over demand for a separate nation for southern states. But our officials immediately removed them from the spot and took them into custody. The situation is under control," a senior police officer was quoted as saying by PTI in its report.