The Bharatiya Janata Party on Tuesday took out a procession in Bengaluru's Nagarajpet and Chickpet areas, a day after a shopkeeper in the city claimed that he was beaten by some youths for playing Hanuman Chalisa during 'Azaan', Muslims call to prayer. Bengaluru South and Central MPs Tejasvi Surya and PC Mohan along with BJP MLA Suresh Kumar also participated in the procession where people wore saffron shawls and chanted Hanuman Chalisa.  

Later, Surya was detained by Bengaluru police who urged the protestors to go back. 

The row erupted on Sunday when an altercation took place between a group of people and a shopkeeper allegedly over playing religious music during the azaan.  

The assault took place on Sunday evening at Siddannagalli in the Cubbonpet area under the jurisdiction of the Halasuru Gate police station. As per the police, the altercation arose when the shopkeeper was playing a song on high volume during the time of Azaan, which reportedly angered a group of youths belonging to the minority community.

While the shopkeeper said he was playing Hanuman Chalisa, the police stated there was no substantial proof to support this allegation, as it was not mentioned in the complaint. 

ALSO READ: Bengaluru Shopkeeper Says Attacked For 'Playing Hanuman Chalisa During Azaan', Police Say 'No Substantial Proof'

On Tuesday, Surya said he took the shopkeeper, Mukesh with him to the police station and lodged a fresh FIR where the real reason for the assault was explained to be the playing of Hanuman Chalisa. 

He also demanded that the culprits be caught at the earliest and requested the Bengaluru Commissioner of Police to take impartial action in connection with the case.