New Delhi: Amid the raging heatwave-like conditions across parts of northwest India, Bengaluru has been witnessing a cool weather, with the city recording 23 degrees Celsius – 11 degrees cooler than usual, on Wednesday. According to India Meteorological Department (IMD), the Garden City, that is already known for its weather, is cooler than hill stations like Shimla, in Himachal Pradesh, and Mussoorie, in Uttarakhand.

According to reports, while the daytime temperature in the national capital is expected to soar to 44 degrees Celsius over the weekend, Bengaluru is experiencing a cool breeze, an effect of the recent Cyclone Asani.

As per IMD's regional office, Bengaluru is expected to witness partly cloudy conditions, with light showers, till May 17. There is also a possibility of rain or thunderstorm on May 18 and 19, the weekly forecast of IMD said.

Meanwhile, the weather department has issued a yellow alert, warning of heatwave at most places in Delhi on Friday and Saturday. Moreover, an orange alert has also been sounded to alert people about a severe heatwave on Sunday.

There is also no respite for Punjab, Haryana and the Vidarbha region till Sunday.

It is to be noted that a spell of heatwave was predicted over the national capital last Sunday. However, the easterly winds under the impact of the cyclone have stalled it.

The news of the weather has gone viral, with netizens posting screenshots of the weather app on their phones. Some are even planning to shift to the city.

One of the users tweeted, “Packing bags already!” While another wrote, “Bangalore giving hill stations a run for their money.”

Read some of the other tweets:

Notably, for a weather alert, the IMD uses four colour codes – green, meaning no action needed, yellow, meaning watch and stay updated, orange, meaning be prepared, and red, meaning take action.