Chennai: The Karnataka government on Tuesday issued a notification announcing the formation of a 19-member clinical expert committee to monitor the Covid-19 situation in the state in wake of the Omicron variant outbreak.

K Ravi, Professor and Head of Department of Medicine, Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, has been made the committee Chairman and PG Girish, Director of Medical Education, is the Member Secretary of the committee.

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The committee, which also includes the Director of Jayadeva Hospital CN Manjunath and other experts, will implement the directions and orders given by the World Health Organization, Central and state governments on containing Covid-19 spread.

It has been asked to ensure coordination between government and private hospitals and give necessary directions.

The committee has also been tasked with ensuring the arrangement of isolation beds in government as well as private hospitals and ensure following of standard protocols in the treatment of Covid patients.

It will ensure the proper following of all guidelines released by the government concerning with Covid-19 situation in the state.

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