New Delhi [India] Apr 15 (ANI): Army Chief General Bipin Rawat on Sunday said that soon normalcy would return to Jammu and Kashmir which has been reeling under tense situation due to terrorist attacks.

While speaking at the commemoration of 70 years of Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry Regiment (JAK LI) on Sunday in the capital, "People in Kashmir stand for peace which is an indicator of the hope that they will bring about normalcy in the state."

He further said that the symbol of JAK LI 'two rifles' stands for peace as both points away from each other.

"The symbol of JAK LI regiment portrays two rifles pointing away from each other. The symbol depicts that whoever owns a weapon in Kashmir keeps it for protection and not to harm anyone. The symbol shows the right way to use a weapon," General Rawat said.

"If we follow with this ideal then the conditions in Kashmir will improve," he added.

Speaking about terrorism in the state, he said that there are a few young people who have been radicalized in the state but time will soon arrive when they "would realize that with the help of guns neither the Army nor the terrorists can fulfill their respective purposes.

He also underscored that path towards peace can be attained through collective effort.(ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI