Jagdishpur (Bihar) [India], Aug 25 (ANI): In a show of power, Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) MLA Ram Vishun Singh, while sitting at a protest outside a jail, said that he would fire-up the station, after the Station House Officer (SHO) refused to let go of one of his men.
A video has surfaced in which Singh, while sitting with his supporters outside the jail, can be seen saying that he was a stubborn person and boasted about his political power to them saying, "If I come by my will, then revolvers and rifles will be shot. I have the MCC with me."
Singh further called out his power to his supporters saying, "Am I not a legislator?" to which his supporters agreed and started laughing.
However, turning to his statement and calling himself an educated man, Singh said that he only wanted peace.
Talking to his aide, he further said, "Tell this SHO person that the legislator wants you to leave the thana in 48 hours, or else we will sit in protest."
The RJD MLA went to the police station to primarily ask to the SHO for the release of one of his aides. The SHO, however, refused. (ANI)
This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI