Jammu (Jammu and Kashmir) [India], August 23 (ANI): Backing the NCC woman cadet from South Kashmir, who was trolled by Facebook users for urging the youth of Jammu and Kashmir to shun stone-pelting and azadi campaigns and to enjoy "real freedom" in India, Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Singh on Wednesday said the girl has "spoken the mind of the Kashmiri youth" who want to live in peace.

"She has spoken the mind of the Kashmiri people. It is the actual feeling of young minds of Jammu and Kashmir, specially of Kashmir because she is representing the people. The youth here wants development and peace and who believe that their future is the largest democracy in India and there is a huge scope out there," Singh told the media here.

When asked whether the girl will be given security, Singh said that the Government and the security forces will take care of everything.

"Security forces, Police and the government will take care. Everyone in India has right to speak their mind," he added.

The Kashmiri government college student and NCC cadet was trolled for speaking out against the recent incidents of stone-pelting and for urging the youth to shun sloganeering.

As per initial reports, the cadet was slammed for raising her voice against stone-pelting and is now even facing death threats on social media platforms as well.

The trolls, mostly men, commented using foul, gendered abuses. A few others abused her and her parents for 'letting down Kashmir's azaadi movement'. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI