New Delhi [India], May 18 (ANI): Refuting news reports, wherein 'sahayaks' or buddy is given to retired officers, an army source on Friday stated that the same is never given to retired officers.

"As per customs, retiring officers with gratitude bid adieu to their buddy one day before their day of retirement. And thereafter a lifetime relationship of mutual respect continues," the source said.

"And such relationship is intensely visible when the retired officer and the buddy meet in regimental functions or functions like marriage of their children," the source added.

Earlier in the day, Army Chief General Bipin Singh Rawat ordered that retired generals will no longer have access to the buddy system, as they are meant to fight and not help ex-armymen with household chores and canteen work.

Buddies are soldiers and their duties include protecting the officers, maintaining their weapons and helping them in carrying out their responsibilities.

The issue of sahayak system, a legacy of the colonial British regime, has cropped up from time to time with even a Parliamentary panel slamming the government for not doing away with it. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI