Pune (Maharashtra) [India], Feb. 6 (ANI): At a time when the state of Jammu and Kashmir is combating unrest caused by incessant terror attacks and ceasefire violations, this Pune based NGO has pledged to make the life of people in war-torn Kashmir better.

The NGO 'Sarhad' is funding education of students from militant-inflicted Kashmir.

These students come from families which have faced the wrath of ceasefire violations, terror attacks and the Kargil War.

'Sarhad' not only provides free education to students but also helps them get jobs.

Thanking Sanjay Nahar, the founder-director of Sarhad, a post-graduation student, Owais Wani, said youngsters like him have nowhere to go and that Sarhad has acted as the lone ray of hope for youth like him.

"If any incident happens with any Kashmiri student or working professional, his or her only hope is Nahar Sir. Someone like a special nodal police officer, preferably from Jammu and Kashmir, should be appointed in Pune to address the issues of Kashmiri students studying here," Wani said.

"Once I went to a firm for an interview but the moment the company officials came to know that I belonged to Jammu and Kashmir, they refused to entertain me and did not even interview me," he added.

Recently, Centre's interlocutor for Kashmir Dineshwar Sharma also visited Sarhad and assured them all required support. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI