New Delhi [India], October 29 (ANI): Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM) general secretary Sitaram Yechury on Sunday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi should tell the nation why Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel had banned the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS).

"It appears that the prime minister is learning history for the first time. Sardar Patel united India and the biggest obstacle in the process, Sardarji realised following the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, was the cult of violence sponsored by the RSS. It claimed many innocent lives, including Gandhiji and with that, he banned the RSS. And that is Sardarji's contribution for the unity and integration of India. The prime minister mentioned everything except Sardarji's most important contribution for the unification of the Indian society," Yechury told ANI.

Prime Minister Modi, while addressing his 37th monthly radio programme 'Mann Ki Baat', in reference with the upcoming birth anniversary of the iconic Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and drawing upon his stringent anti-discrimination ideology, opined that the ideology could be implemented in the present day as well, thus helping realise the vision for a New India.

"His 'no discrimination' approach is the reason his birthday is celebrated as the National Unity Day," he added.

Yechury also downplayed the prime minister's statement on Khadi, citing it looks like Prime Minister Modi is rediscovering the India.

"Since I was born, Khadi has been a part of symbol of Indian nationalism. The Khadi institutions were all established before I was born and the country has been used to Khadi both for wearing as well as for fashion. The Prime Minister is not telling us anything new. These are things that every Indian has grown up with. The prime minister looks like he is rediscovering the India," he added.

Prime Minister Modi, earlier in the day, said that the record growth of the Khadi industry has emerged as the most potent tool for transforming villages, while also setting up a new mantra of 'Khadi for transformation'. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI