Mumbai [India], July 4 (ANI): In recent years, emerging countries have faced serious traffic congestion problems due to the rapid increase of cars, as well as various issues with transportation.

NEC Corporation is a leader in the integration of IT and network technologies that benefit businesses and people around the world.

It announced that NEC Laboratories India was established in July 2018 within NEC Technologies India Private Limited.

These new laboratories aim to launch new business utilizing local know-how and big data, which are acquired through existing businesses and partnerships, such as the system integration for the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems in India and logistics visualization services.

Takayuki Inaba, an official of NEC India, said, "The global policy of entire NEC group is business specializing in solutions related to the foundations of "Safer Cities". Especially in India, we provide Wireless Solutions, and as of recently offer BRT (Bus Rapid Transit), including bus location management and fare collection systems."

NEC Laboratories India cooperates with India's talented IT personnel. By employing highly skilled IT talent and conducting joint research with academia, customers, and partners, it will promote agile development and commercialization of solutions.

"We are mainly working on providing safety, transportation, and logistics solutions as of deploying 'Smart City' in India. In addition to India Laboratories, NEC Laboratories has adopted a large number of human resources from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in the past, and we will continue to employ such personnel for our projects. As of now, we have Japanese staff, including me, but we would gradually like to promote localization", another official Akihiko Iketani added.

NEC laboratories engage in the creation of new solutions in the fields of public transportation and logistics, public safety, digital government and cashless payment.

As part of these efforts, it will strengthen the development of solutions for society and promote to spread solutions from India to other emerging countries, while the blazing successful path of reverse innovation to markets throughout the world.

"I believe that the team is able to create innovative solutions and leverage technical expertise of skills that India has. If we look at large social problems which India has faced such as high population issued. I think that they will add value in bringing solutions which match our vision of creating solutions for society", said an official, Dibya Ojha.

Smart city solutions are currently considered in over 100 cities throughout the country. By leveraging advanced IT and service know-how, Japan's technology will make a significant contribution to help solve challenges in traffic and urban infrastructure.(ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI