New Delhi [India], Oct 13 (ANI): The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Friday filed an application in the Supreme Court seeking to transfer the Medical College Bribery Case from Odisha High Court to another High Court.

The case transfer application was filed by the CBI because the High Court Bar Association has filed a petition against the CBI in the same court for raiding Odisha High Court judge CR Dash's house with a mistaken belief that it was still occupied by former judge, who used to reside at the same address seven years ago.

The above mentioned case pertains to allege that former Odisha High Court judge I.M. Quddusi and a Delhi-based woman assured the Prasad Education Trust in Lucknow to get the matter (to reverse an order barring a medical college from admitting students because of substandard facilities and non-fulfillment of required criteria) settled in the Supreme Court through their contacts.

The former Odisha High Court judge and others have been arrested in the corruption case.

The Supreme Court has posted the matter for October 30 now.

The apex court has also asked the Odisha High Court to not hear the plea till it decides on the matter. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI