Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], Jan 26 (ANI): Telangana chief minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Thursday held a review meeting on Thursday on the simplified passbooks, preparation of Pahanis, programmes to be taken up post-Land records purification and on Dharani website maintenance.
Speaking at Pragati Bhawan, K Chandrashekhar Rao said,"There are 31 columns in passbooks and Pahanis now. There is no need for so many columns due to several changes took place from time to time. There was a need for certain columns when the government was collecting the land Cess. Now there is no need. Some of these columns will add to the confusion. The entire data and information on land records will be on Dharani site. There is no need to have more information on the passbooks and Pahanis given to farmers. Important and necessary information will be sufficient. It is enough if the details of the name of the farmer, survey no, the extent of land and how he obtained the land are given. Terms are used in other languages in Pahanis and passbooks. Our farmers will never understand these terms. Use the terms and language, which our farmers can understand. The new passbooks and Pahanis should have these changes."
Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has instructed the officials concerned, to ensure that every urban and rural areas land is accounted for ownership of each and every inch of land is ascertained. The Chief Minister said, "Through the Land Records Purification, Rectification and Updation, land records of rural areas in the state are clarified and in a similar way the details of land records in urban and cities should be finalised."
"The Land records Purification programmes became a great success. With this details and information of almost all the land, every inch in rural areas is ascertained. The decision regarding the lands in legal disputes, other disputes will be taken under the Part B land records rectification programme. Clarity arrived at in 93 percent of the lands. Land records in rural areas are almost cleaned. Now focus on the land in urban areas and in the cities. Find out which land owned by whom and fix the ownership rights. Examine if the private lands also can be given a unique number like the survey number. The government is of the view that after the land records purification there will be a fall in the land disputes in rural areas. Study what kind of method should be adopted for the urban and city areas? Details of every inch of land in Telangana under whose ownership it is and what is happening on the land etc. should be available with the government," the Chief Minister told the officials.
The chief minister further instructed, "On March 11, new passbooks should be distributed in all the villages. Prepare plans for the printing and supply of the passbooks. By March 5, the district should receive the passbooks." (ANI)
This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI