Jaipur (Rajasthan) [India] Nov. 25 (ANI): Indo - United Kingdom joint army training exercise Ajeya Warrior 2017 will be conducted between the Indian and United Kingdom Army from 01 to 14th December 1-14, 2017 at Mahajan field firing ranges in Rajasthan.

This will be the third joint military exercise between the two countries which have a history of extensive cooperation in the defence arena. The first exercise was conducted in 2013 at Belgaum, where as for the second exercise in 2015, Indian Army contingent had visited the United Kingdom.

The participating troops for the exercise from Indian Army are from 20th Battalion The Rajputana Rifles, while the troops of 1st Battalion the Royal Anglican Regiment will participate from the Royal British Army.

Approximately 120 army personnel from both the countries will participate in the Exercise.

The aim of the Exercise is to build and promote bilateral Army to Army relations and enhance interoperability while exchanging skills and experience between the Royal British army and Indian Army. The 20th Rajputana Rifles has extensive experience in counter terrorist operations including deployment in Operation Pawan and in Jammu and Kashmir.

1st Battalion the Royal Anglican Regiment has seen combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Recently it was involved in training soldiers of other armies in operations against militant groups.

Both sides have prepared themselves well for the aforesaid training activity with a view to extract a maximum from it in terms of best practices and joint action.

The fourteen day exercise with Royal British army is scheduled to be conducted in multiple modules in order to achieve complete integration between the two contingents at every stage. The exercise will provide field commanders and troops an opportunity to interact with each other in matters professional, social and cultural. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI