New Delhi [India], June 20 (ANI): The Indian Commercial Pilot Association Southern Region, a pilots' union of Air India, recently directed all its members to observe a 'Flight Safety Week' in the wake of non-payment of flying allowances, claiming it leads to immense stress.

The protocols of the 'Flight Safety Week' include not accepting last-minute pullouts for flights, reporting sick if stressed and strictly observing weekly offs.

"You are hereby directed to observe the 'Flight Safety Week' in full sprit in the interest of safety of the crew and passengers as we are 'presently' operating in very stressful conditions, due to non-payment of Flying Allowance leading to immense financial stress," the ICPA (South) said in the circular.

"Physiological stressors lead to emotional factors such as financial worries. Time and again studies have clearly shown that emotional factors are repeatedly present in aircraft accidents," the circular added.

The protocol requires the pilots to not extend flight duty time, report sick if they are fatigued or stressed, strictly follow standard operating procedures and stabilised approaches, request Air Traffic Control for extra track miles if required, to positively write all defects, not to accept the usage of non-standard tapes like cello tape or other plastics on broken switches/ selection keys as it might develop heat and catch fire, to follow managed speeds throughout a flight and stick to 'comfortable' taxi speeds among others.

In a letter to the Southern Regional Director, the IPCA stated how the situation was affecting the pilots' personal lives.

"While majority of employees have received their pay in full, including yourself and other top bosses, we Pilots, are yet to receive 80% of our pay package. This indefinite delay in Flying Allowance has affected our financial planning and credentials to a great extent," the letter read.

"Many member Pilots had informed ICPA of 'immense stress'. This financial problem has made it extremely difficult to work and take care of personal matters. Stress 'jeopardizes decision-making relevance and cognitive functioning' which is fatal to flight safety," the letter added. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI