Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], Aug 3 (ANI): Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has termed the Congress Party as 'Number one villain of Telangana State'.

He also alleged that Congress has been obstructing the development in the state by dragging every initiative of the government to the court.

Addressing the media here, Rao said that the Congress had played a suspicious role towards Telangana since beginning.

"When Telangana was newly formed, Congress thought they will come to power. But they didn't, because of their behaviour during agitation for the state. Telangana faced many problems and humiliation. Finally, we succeeded in getting a separate state. Congress doesn't want to see development and it only accuses us and put cases on us. Till now, there are 196 cases against us," he said.

He said that former prime minister Indira Gandhi had scrapped the Mulki Rules which would protect the jobs of the people of Telangana, and ordered firing on hundreds of students who were fighting for Telangana to be recognised independently.

"Number 1 reason for Telangana's backwardness is Congress. Indira Gandhi made 400 people go into jail when they fought for the state. They cancelled Mulki rule and spoilt lives of employees. This is very weird behaviour. As a responsible CM I did a power point presentation and explained in Assembly but these Congress people ran away," he added.

Expressing his ire over the Congress, Rao said the grand old party was behind filing court cases and obtaining stays on different issues, including construction of irrigation projects, government job notifications, Mission Bhagiradha drinking water scheme, and others.

Taking pot shots at Congress for creating a hue and cry over Nerella incident, the Chief Minister said the opposition tried to project the issue as an attack on Dalits.

Referring to Congress leader Digvijay Singh's allegations against the TRS government in a drug case, Rao said his government is conducting the probe with firmness.

On opposition allegations of police torture against some Dalits in Rajanna-Sircilla district, he said only a few among the 10 accused, arrested for torching trucks, were from Scheduled Castes.

"Will government ask police to beat Dalits ? Lorries were being burnt, amongst involved there were few dalits. How can you say that the dalits were targeted," he asked.

The Chief Minister said he would embark on an extensive tour of the State to expose the sinister designs of the Congress. He spared no words in denouncing the opposition party, accusing it of using public interest litigation (PIL) to stall whatever development activity the government was taking up. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI