New Delhi [India], June 26 (ANI): Congress' candidate for President Polls Meira Kumar on Monday joined micro-blogging-site Twitter.

The development has come at a time when the spat between the congress party and External Affair Minister Sushma Swaraj is making headlines in wake of the President election slated for July 17.

Kumar made her debut on the occasion of Eid, tweeting, "Eid Mubarak! Joy, peace and prosperity to all."

Post Kumar's name was tabled by the opposition parties for the post of President, Swaraj last week posted an old video of the former titled "This is how Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar treated the Leader of Opposition"

The video shows the Parliament session of 2013 in business and Kumar relentlessly interrupting Swaraj who was making a speech highlighting the corruption of the UPA regime.

However, retorting to Swaraj's move the Congress posted a video of the Union Minister heaping praises of the grand old party veteran.

At Kumar's farewell in 2013, Swaraj told the House, "I want that we all fight the elections with integrity. And I am a fan of you. What Vasudev ji said in public, I have told you multiple times in person; your nature and the quality of not being angry/agitated contributes the most to the proper functioning of this House."

Last week, the Congress-led opposition nominated Kumar to face National Democratic Alliance (NDA) candidate Ram Nath Kovind.

Many of the Opposition parties including the Janata Dal (Secular), the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), the Communist Party of India and CPI (Marxist) are backing Kumar.

While Kovind, apart from the NDA allies, is being supported by major non-NDA parties like the JD-U, the BJD, the AIADMK, the TRS and the YSR-Congress. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI