Panaji [Goa] [India], Feb 18 (ANI): Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar may skip the state budget session as he continues his treatment for Pancreatitis in a Mumbai hospital.

Goa Assembly Deputy Speaker Michael Lobo told ANI the budget would be presented by the senior most member of the state government if Parrikar could not attend the assembly session due to health problems.

The Chief Minister on February 14 complained of stomach ache and visited the Goa Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) for a health check-up. He was later taken to Mumbai for further examination.

Lobo further said the assembly business advisory committee would meet on Monday to decide on whether to cut short the session because of Parrikar's health.

Meanwhile, South Goa MP Narendra Sawaikar on Sunday said: "The Chief Minister's treatment is in the right direction and he is responding to the same. However, he needs sufficient time to recover and be focused on the treatment. Expert doctors are taking good care of him. We all pray for his speedy recovery."(ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI