Kolkata (West Bengal) / Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], November 05 (ANI): Women's rights activists on Sunday demanded quick action against a local Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI (M) leader, who was arrested for allegedly assaulting a pregnant woman in Kerala's Kollam district.

Speaking to ANI, women activist Ruby Mukherjee said, "No one has the right to hurt a pregnant woman and all the more the minister was drunk and driving. Which government allows such a rule to manhandle women? Police should take strict action on the minister.until and unless an action is taken such incidents will never occur."

Resonating similar views, another women activist Vara Laxmi termed this incident as "shameful," not just for the minister, but also for CPI (M).

"This incident is an unfortunate one and sad to know that a Communist Party of India (Marxist) leader assaulted a pregnant woman. People in power think they are God and misuse the law. Party which follows such ethics, it's a shame on them. Action should be taken so that incidents like these don't happen again," she said.

Yesterday, CPI (M) leader Antonio Williams was driving in an inebriated state when his car hit the vehicle of the pregnant woman who was travelling with her family.

Following that, Williams, who was with his friends, allegedly attacked them and also dragged the woman out of the car and kicked her in her stomach. The group also assaulted a policeman who tried to intervene in the matter and continued to threaten police officers even after being taken to the police station.

A case has been registered against Williams under relevant section of the Indian Penal Code. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI