Ideas of India Summit 2023: RSS Sah Sarkaryawah Krishna Gopal on Friday spoke on various issues in the second edition of the ABP Network's Ideas Of India Summit. From Pakistan, Akhand Bharat, Uniform Civil Code to the possibility of Yogi Adityanath as the next Prime Minister of the country, Gopal touched on a range of topics with details.

Uniform Civil Code 

Speaking over the matter of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC). He said that UCC was in the will of the constitution makers and it's been too long.  

"It's been 72 years. It is not the opinion of RSS. It was in the will of the Constitution makers and in several decisions of the top court. It should be implemented," he said. 

Gopal said that UCC was discussed in the debates when Constitution was being prepared, adding that the makers of the Indian Constitution wanted to incorporate it but the time was not right. He said that the makers then left it as a future aspect to be implemented later. 

He said that even the top court has several times asked the Centre to ponder and formulate the policy relating to Uniform Civil Code. The RSS leader said that if consensus is not possible as of now on every part of the issue, at least those which are agreed upon should be implemented. 

Pakistan’s Economic Instability 

Talking about the economic instability and food scarcity in Pakistan, Krishna Gopal said that India can supply wheat to it if the neighbouring nation asks. He said that India has a surplus of wheat production and has helped many countries in the past.  

When asked why should Pak ask and why can’t India send the help on its own, Gopals said that Pakistan has to change its attitude of enmity towards India. He said that everyone should be happy in the world. 

“Pakistan is in trouble and yes, it plans attacks on India but if it asks with a pure heart, we will help them. It has been in our Sanatan Dharm for ages.” 

Citing examples of India’s aid to countries during the Pandemic, he said, “India did help the world during the Covid crisis. We sent medicines, and vaccines so we can send wheat, India produces over a crore tons of wheat than is required and is in a surplus position. But for this. Pakistan will have to let down its attitude.” 

On whether India should talk to Pakistan, Gopal said that it is not possible unless Pak changes its behaviour and attitude. He said, “Pakistan will have to leave training terrorists, planning attacks on India.” 

On the question of why Pak is adamant about its attitude, Gopal said that the country was made on the lines of animosity.  

“The point that ‘we can’t live with India’ of Jinnah and Iqbal was how Pakistan was made. This was wrong. Muslims who remained in India after partition flourished. Their population has increased from 3 crores to around 14.5 crores. But the population of Hindus has drastically decreased in Pakistan,” he said. 

Gopal On ‘Akhand Bharat’ 

Krishna Gopal said that ‘Akhand Bharat’ is more cultural than political. He said that all land that see their cultural origin in India and who associate themselves with India are all part of it. He added that the idea is ‘more cultural than political unity’.  

Responding to a question that which countries he thinks are part of ‘Akhand Bharat’, he named Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka adding these all honour India as a big brother. 

Talking about Paak being a part of the same, he said, “Many universities in Pakistan teach how it was created. They attach themselves to the Indus valley civilisation, Takshshila, Mohenjodaro. 12 universities of Pak do this.” 

He said whenever they talk about history, they attach themselves to India. Gopal claimed that Pakistani professors say they changed their religion at one point in time.  

On Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) being a part of ‘Akhand Bharat’, th RSS leader said that not just PoK, but whichever land ideates themselves with India and remembers forefathers attaching them to India are part of it. He said, “It is not possible from a political perspective, but from historical and cultural aspects.” 

Census And Caste Census 

Krishna Gopal spoke at length over the issues census in India. Notably, the last census was done in the country in 2011 and the next one was due in 2021 but could not be executed due to the pandemic. 

Speaking on its requirement, Gopal said that census is done after every 10 years and apart from this, there is no other way to check how many people are there in the country, how many children are there, what is the literacy rate, unemployment and much more. 

He said that the parameters of the census help in formulating the policies for the future, “It is important,” he added. 

Highlighting the importance of the census, he said that the exercise also shows many facts and at times suggests demographic changes. He added that census will tell if there is any demographic change anywhere in the country which, according to him’ is a ‘dangerous’ change and ‘alarming’.  

When asked if RSS has ever asked the BJP-led Central government to go ahead with Census, he said, “RSS is an independent organisation. Either we speak to people or our sevaks. BJP is an independent party and it takes its decision on its own.” 

 On the issue of caste census, Gopal said that the issue is more political than anything else. Hinting that it would increase caste discrimination, he said that anything that solidifies caste discrimination is against the core values of the Indian constitution. 

He asked what the purpose of the exercise it. “All sections should be developed and we should ensure there is no discrimination, We do not want to strengthen discrimination on the basis of caste,” Gopal further said. 

Yogi Adityanath As Future PM

When asked if RSS sees Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath as a prospective PM candidate, the RSS leader said," Yogi ji is a good person and he has been in politics since long back." He said that the CM has established achievements in UP and it depends on the BJP to decide on his future.

On whether RSS would back Yogi Adityanath, Gopal said, "We support all good people."

I-T Surveys On BBC

Speaking over the recent I-T Surveys on the BBC officers in Delhi and Mumbai, he said that freedom of speech should be there but there are reasons due to why agencies conduct raids. "They have the right and both should abide by their duties," he said.

Bulldozer Action By Governments

Krishna Gopal said that some miscreants occupy other people's houses, make houses in an illegal manner and several notices are sent to them regarding this. However, he noted, if a justified structure is taken down, one should to court.

"I am neither in its favour nor against it, but if you feel you are a victim- you should go to court. The courts are independent and they are not influenced by anyone," he added.

Adani Issue

On the Adani issue, the RSS leader said that the matter is already before the Supreme Court and was discussed in Parliament so it is not right for him to comment on it.

He said, "RSS does not give statements on everything."

Assam Govt's Takedown On Child Marriage

 Gopal said that whenever it is tried to make people follow the law, some always say they are being targeted. He was responding to the question that some Muslim persons have alleged so.

He said, "Child marriage is a crime and it is not community specific. The law should be common to all."

ABP Network's 'Ideas Of India' Summit

The ABP Network’s ‘Ideas of India’ brought together on one stage the brightest minds cutting across sectors from within and beyond the borders of the country. In 2023, the grand second edition of the immensely successful ‘Ideas of India’ summit is woven around the theme of Naya India: Looking Inward, Reaching Out. 

The 2-day event, in Mumbai, this year addressed the question - Where does India stand at this moment in history, with its burgeoning economy successfully tackling the energy divisions of yet another war in Europe, with a post-pandemic recalibrating world looking up to her as a global leader and a whole new generation of Indians impatient to lead across sectors?