Drawing a parallel between former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi with her current successor Narendra Modi, while terming them as “cult leaders” with a larger-than-life image, Vinay Sitapati, author and associate professor of Ashoka University said while the former’s popularity came at the expense of her party, the latter hasn’t destroyed the BJP to be the global leader that he is today.

Modi’s Popularity Higher Than BJP

Speaking at a session titled ‘Understanding Politics: Personalities, Ideas & Ideologies’ on the concluding day of ABP Network’s ‘Ideas of India’ summit on Saturday, Prof. Sitapati said, “While everyone would acknowledge that Modi’s personal popularity is much more than the BJP’s, he hasn’t split the BJP ideologically or politically or destroyed it for the sake of his popularity. Though he enjoys a similar cult following as Indira, Modi, unlike the former, has not centralised power at the cost of his party. Indira, as we all know split the Congress and floated the Congress (I), as she felt the then seniors in the party did not buy into her vision.”

Underscoring PM Modi’s popularity as was pegged in a recent global survey for world leaders at between 70-75 per cent, the author-professor said not all of that was ‘manufactured’.

Welfarist Politics Blended With Nationalism

Expanding on PM Modi’s brand of governance, he said, “What PM Modi is doing is not about Hindutva or Ayodhya. It is welfarist politics blended with nationalism. It’s often wrongly assumed that Indians vote on roti, kapda and makaan. When India stands up to the US on Ukraine, the message that goes out to an Indian is that things are getting better. That India can get it done. They reckon that things will get better and rosier still if the BJP is voted back. The level of modernisation of rural India has been staggering over the last two decades or 24 years to be precise. And, not just BJP governments but Opposition-ruled states, too, have contributed phenomenally to this. However, where Modi stands out is how he has managed to project himself as the face of modernisation. Many states have bought into this capex (capital expenditure) boom. This modernisation story has many cooks but one person is getting the tip. That is the genius of PM Modi.”

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Constitution As Popular Project Has Failed

Claiming that a majority of Indians don’t buy into the narrative that India is a construct founded on the ideas that were central to the making of the Constitution, the author-professor said, “A vast majority of India don’t speak or think in English. The ideas on which the Constitution was founded do not have popular purchase in India. The Constitution, as a popular project, has failed in India.”

Claiming further that India’s ‘moral dharma’ was a ‘minority of minority’, Sitapati said, “The BJP’s civilisational view is working. If you are a critique of the BJP’s civilisational idea, you have to counter it with another civilisational narrative.”

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Caste Leaders Have A Shelf-Life

Claiming where the BJP has scored with the electorate is the way it has mixed identity with welfarism, the professor said caste leaders have a shelf-life.

“The caste canvas and the social dynamics keep evolving with time. For instance, a Lalu Yadav, who came into politics and earned his stripes as the face of a particular leader or community, is no longer the leader he once was. Similarly, Nitish Kumar, who represents the Kurmis (extremely backward caste), does not wield the same clout anymore. Can the JD(U) survive after Nitish? No. Will the TMC live on after Mamata didi (Mamata Banerjee)? No, again.”

Idea Of India Under Modi’s Leadership

Weighing in on the idea of India under the leadership of PM Modi, Prof. Sitapati said, “The thinking today is that India has finally arrived…that our country, at long last, can stand up to a white. This is as important as Ayodhya.”

Bharat Ratna To Narasimha Rao

However, when it came to picking the best Prime Minister India has ever had, the author and professor chose neither Indira nor Modi, but veered, instead, towards reformist late Congress stalwart Narasimha Rao.

The former PM, who is credited to have opened India’s doors to a liberalised world at a time when the economy, in a post-Cold-War era, was in dire straits, Narasimha Rao was recently picked for the country’s highest civilian honour — the Bharat Ratna.

Weighing in on the leadership and legacy of the former PM, Sitapati said, “The hallmark of Narasimha Rao’s leadership was that despite running a government, which did not have a brute majority like Modi’s, he could not only pitch his reformist ideas but also enforce them into practice. It is a mistake that the Congress didn't give him a Bharat Ranta, and the BJP did.”

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About The Speaker

Currently holding the position of an associate professor specialising in political science and legal studies at Ashoka University, Sitapati boasts an impressive educational background, having obtained degrees from the renowned National Law School Bangalore and Harvard University. Additionally, Sitapati holds a PhD in politics from Princeton University.

Beyond his academic pursuits, Sitapati has made notable contributions to various esteemed publications, including the Economic and Political Weekly, International New York Times, The Indian Express, Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal, The Hindu, Harvard Crimson, Oxford Handbook of the Indian Constitution, and Seminar.

Sitapati gained widespread recognition with the publication of his debut book, a captivating biography titled 'Half-Lion.' This work delves into the life and enduring legacy of former Indian Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao. Published by Penguin Books in India and Oxford University Press-USA in the United States, 'Half-Lion' garnered critical acclaim, earning the prestigious distinction of being named a 'Book of the Year' by The Economist magazine. It further solidified its significance by securing a place among Amazon.com's coveted list of '100 books to read in a lifetime.' Testament to its popularity, 'Half-Lion' has been translated into Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu, amplifying its influence and expanding its readership.Top of Form

Ideas Of India Summit 3.0

The ‘Ideas Of India Summit’ serves as a crucial annual conclave where notable figures convene to explore the diverse similarities and contrasting aspects of India, the world's largest democracy. Strategically scheduled just ahead of the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections, the third iteration of this summit, seeks to establish 'The People's Agenda.'

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