Speaking about former Maharashtra Chief Minister, and ex-Congress leader Ashok Chavan joining the BJP at the ABP Network's Ideas of India Summit, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis stated that as per the current political situation, the leaders who are connected with their roots have lost the confidence in Congress's leadership. Highlighting that everyone in politics is concerned with their identity and future, Fadnavis stated: "When Congress leaders look at their future, they are worried."

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He claimed that leaders of the grand old party are not able to forsee the revival of their party in the future, and because of this everyone wants to join the BJP. 

Praising PM Modi, Fadnavis said: "When pople see that how PM Modi is leading the nation to the progress, and what others thought to be a "jumla", has now taken the shape of reality as a lot of people are able to experience the "Naya Bharat" (New India). Due to this very reason, a lot of congress leaders think that it is time to be a part of the mainstream. And those who are trying to join in the movement, we are taking them along."

Fadnavis, Maharashtra's current Deputy Chief Minister, is the second-youngest person in the state to become Chief Minister. 

The Ideas Of India 3.0 Summit

The 'Ideas Of India Summit' is ABP Network's flagship yearly event, addressing a wide range of themes that affect everyday life, including politics, business, entertainment, geopolitics, literature, education, and more. This year's summit, scheduled for February 23 and 24, right before the 2024 Lok Sabha election, will focus on 'The People's Agenda'.

This follows the huge success of the previous two editions, 'Naya India' and 'Open-Minds Open Minds', which investigated the ideas and concepts that enthralled India. The third edition likewise promises a rollercoaster of stimulating talks.

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