"There’s no shortcut to success, you should have a strong background. We as coaches give finishing to the people. You should either have a strong intent, or there should be someone to constantly remind you of what you are capable of," said Avadh Ojha, the founder of IQRA IAS, well-known coaching institute for UPSC aspirants, at ABP Network’s Ideas Of India Summit 2023.

In conversation with ABP Network's Chayan Rastogi, 'Ojha Sir', as he is popular among students, spoke on the Indian education system and the perceived "language bias".

"There are no biases with languages. However, with language studies most students don’t know the background and purpose of language studies. Education is not for employment. The most essential thing in a human’s life is interest, this is what we call learning. Learning allows us to address local issues on a national platform. If there's no curiosity and learning and education, it's a waste. You should love what you’re doing, this is what drives your passion."

Speaking about life's decisions, he said: "Life decisions are always trapped by dualism. Self-questioning and public opinion seekers lack vision. Instead of going around and asking people, one should have a firm decision, complete focus and risk-taking attitude and courage to succeed."

On the comparative perception of Science and Arts education in the country, he said: "Science is based on reason and Humanities is based on analysis. In India, compared to subjects like Science and Engineering, subjects like Arts are seen very lowly. Humanities is taught in very rare institutions in the country. History for example is an important subject, especially in a country like India with a rich and vivid heritage. At my coaching centres, some students come to learn history, while some come for masala and fun. I flavour my teachings with a good amount of fun and humour to ensure there’s something for every student."

On the topic of revamping of the Indian education system, the popular UPSC teacher added: "School level education should be transformed. We need people who could start thinking from the ground level."

Asked how students should sharpen their mind, Ojha said: "The more you get cheated and betrayed, the more will your brain sharpen itself. See how strong is the PM's mind, despite being exposed to several hurdles and problems. He is just so strong. Be exposed to the society, meet people, learn societal patterns, and you will never need any supplement to boost your brain. Gandhiji did not do things at once, he first roamed around, observed his surroundings, and then made a decision."

How should one handle pressure and stress? Should everyone have a Plan-B?

This is what Ojha said in response: "Pressure and stress are different. Pressure is good, pressure creates a sense of fear which acts as a preventive mechanism in the body which keeps a check on your body, while stress should be avoided. Those who have dreams, don't have a plan. Instead of being workaholic, one should always be dreamoholic. You should have a strong conviction for your dreams, keep your brain alive, it will keep a check on everything else."

Speaking on Sex Education, Ojha said, “The only reason we see several hoardings like ‘bachpan ki galatiyon ke shikar’ in cities throughout the country is that Indians still feel shy talking about it. Yes, there should be sex education and awareness in the country. If we miss out on sex awareness, western countries will keep exploiting and earning money from us by selling porn in our country.”

How helpful is the Online Education system? 

In response, Ojha said: “Grafting is done from a live plant, not a dead one. However, the relevancy and timing is very important here. The generation after 10 years may adopt the online shift, but the offline classroom is a live plant where you enjoy the aura, the gravity of the classroom which also fuels and motivates the teachers. Offline classroom mode of education is the best. However, in special or unprecedented circumstances, the online mode of education does turn out to be helpful.”

Concluding the session, Ojha further underlined, "Students should always avoid doing three kinds of mistakes: Giving time to anyone, Surrounding themselves with people who don’t reciprocate the same energy and wavelength as them, and Ignoring the suggestion of parents. 

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