New Delhi: While working from home may have seemed like an ideal before the lockdown, the reality is proving to be very different. It is an extended period and in most cases all the family members are at home. This situation comes with many distractions and it is hard to suppress the natural tendency to slip into a laid-back attitude. Working from home can therefore be quite challenging but there are ways we can ensure that our productivity remains at the optimum level.

  1. Managing time

One of the biggest challenges working from home is time management. Home environment comes with many sources of distraction and without the office routine that prepares us for the day’s work some may feel lost. Keeping a daily workday routine close to office timings with a clear work plan help one remain motivated and focused.

  1. Reduce distractions

It’s easy to get carried away with the latest memes and videos in the safety of one’s home. But if it becomes a habit then it may make us feel laid-back and affect the quality of work. Disabling or putting apps to sleep, turning off notifications and keeping away from games etc can help to ensure that you have a continuous workflow.

  1. Choose the right spot

Work spaces can impact out attention span and while not everyone may access to the perfect spot, you can choose a relatively comfortable area. Spaces at home that is well lit, helps you avoid most distractions and has good Internet connectivity will make working from home easier. Choose furniture that can give you adequate lumbar support and help you sit comfortably for longer time.

  1. Clear communication is the key

Apprising your team members about your strategy for the day helps in smoother workflow. Be available on the platforms chosen for all official communication so that there is no space for mistrust. The team can also ensure that everyone gets adequate breaks and that work information reaches everyone.

  1. Dressing up to remain focused

Dressing up in office wear can also provide a sense of balance and help you adjust to the change. It becomes important especially if you have frequent team meetings and don’t want to give a wrong impression to your manager. It can also be time to experiment with fashion and come up with something that is both comfortable and stylish.

  1. Adequate breaks can help keep lethargy away

Work from home does not mean that one is available 24/7. Without any scheduled breaks it may be expected that one works continuously throughout the day. This can have an adverse effect on your health and relationships as you are now in the same space as your family. It is necessary to create boundaries and take breaks. At the end of the day leave your work behind at the work space and do not let it seep in your personal time.

  1. After office interactions are important

Since after office plans are not possible during the lockdown you can find alternatives to keep your social life thriving especially if you are living alone. Destress and relax by catching up with friends and relatives through chats and video conferencing. You can also organise activities to do together like streaming the same show or even playing music together remotely!

  1. Stay positive

While it is important to stay informed and updated with the current situation, too much news can also cause anxiety. Remember that as long you are taking the necessary precautions, you are safe. Staying calm through these challenging times is helpful not just for yourself but also for those around you. If you are feeling undue stress then it is advisable to discuss your issues with friends, family members or even an online mental health counselor. Alternatively, you can also help others by providing correct information to people and talking and giving support to those who might be feeling lonely.

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