New Delhi: While cases of Black Fungus became a serious cause of concern amid the battle against the second wave of Coronavirus infection, the reports of White Fungus cases have added to the worry.

4 cases of White Fungus infection said to be more dangerous than Black Fungus have been reported from Patna, Bihar.

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4 White Fungus cases were detected in Patna Medical College Hospital on Thursday, Head of Department of Microbiology Dr. SN Singh informed.

What Is White Fungus, What Do We Know So Far?

The White Fungus cases reported in Patna hospital displayed covid-related symptoms but did not test positive for the same. A High-resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) test performed on infected patients revealed them to have contracted White Fungus infection.

According to experts, White Fungus adversely affects the lungs and other body parts including nails, skin, stomach, kidney, brain, mouth and more.

What Contributes To White Fungus Infection?

As seen in recent Black Fungus cases, factors such as severe diabetes and suppression of the immune system increase the risk of people contracting an infection.

So low immunity can increase the risk in terms of White Fungus infection among patients. Here as well, prolonged use of steroids adds to the risk.

What Are The Symptoms?

As previously stated, White Fungus infection generates symptoms that are very much like seen in Covid patients, however, people test negative for the latter. A detailed test such as CT-Scan, X-ray or HRCT can help diagnose the infection.

Is It More Dangerous That Black Fungus?

While in early reports, White Fungus was reported to be more dangerous than Black Fungus, Dr. Suresh Kumar, MD LNJP Hospital said that "White fungus (Aspergillosis) is not as dangerous as Black Fungus. The treatment for the latter can continue for 1-1.5 months hence early diagnosis is critical. Don't take steroids to treat Covid-19 without consulting your doctor".

Besides this, according to doctors, it poses a risk to patients on oxygen support and if detected late, the infection can lead to death.

Precautionary Measures

"Fungus grows in cramped and humid spaces so keep ensure that your surroundings are cleaned regularly. Avoid consuming eatables refrigerated for days, eat fresh fruits, let sunlight in your house and wash your masks daily,": Medical Director LNJP Hospital, Dr. Suresh Kumar, was quoted by news agency ANI as saying.

People in risk categories, Covid patients, recovering covid patients are advised to take the threat seriously, a primary form of precaution is to ensure proper sanitization around such people.