New Delhi: Vitamin C is important to increase immunity and protect the body from infection. It enables the body to put up a fight against any infection. Vitamin C is also rich in antioxidant nutrients, causing body detoxification and removing harmful substances.

Doctors these days are advising to eat a diet rich in vitamin C to strengthen immunity, especially during the Corona period. There are many foods that can be consumed to make up for vitamin C deficiency in the body. Let us know the benefits of vitamin C, what are the symptoms of its deficiency, and what are the natural sources that are rich in vitamin C 

Foods enriched with vitamin C

Amla (Indian Gooseberry) Amla is rich in vitamin C. Amla is called a storehouse of vitamin C. A medium-sized amla contains about 600 mg of vitamin C. 

Vegetables- For vitamin C you can eat tomatoes amongst vegetables. Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin C. In addition, green vegetables also contain vitamin C. You can get vitamin C from broccoli. Potatoes are also a good source of vitamin C.

Fruits- There are many fruits rich in vitamin C that can easily meet the deficiency of vitamin C in the body. You can have a kiwi for this. Kiwi contains vitamin C, K, and E. Guava contains more vitamin C than oranges. Papaya is the fruit that is available in all seasons. It is also rich in vitamin C. Also strawberry and pineapple are good sources of vitamin C. Eating oranges also helps in meeting vitamin C deficiency.

Lemon If you include lemon in your food, the body will get a substantial amount of vitamin C. Lemon is quite beneficial for health. It leads to weight loss and strengthens metabolism.

Pulses- Vitamin C can also be obtained by including pulses in the food. Dry pulses do not contain vitamin C, but after soaking they get a good amount of vitamin C So you must include dal in your daily meals. It provides a lot of protein to the body.

Benefits of Vitamin C (Benefits Of Vitamin C)
1- Due to vitamin C, the immune system works efficiently and enables the body to fight against diseases or infections.
2- Vitamin C contains plenty of antioxidants, which detox the body and keep the skin good.
3- Vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron and 
4- strengthens the bone.
5- Vitamin C is also very important for the healing of wounds and in diseases related to eyesight and nails.

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency (Vitamin C deficiency)
1- Swelling of gums, bleeding, and weakening of teeth 
2- Rashes on the skin
3- Problems of fatigue, weakness, and joint pain
4- Frequent illness, cold, cough, and infections
5- Hair loss and weakening of nails

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, treatments, and any claims mentioned in this article. These should be considered as suggestions only. Kindly consult a doctor before following any of the above-mentioned treatments/medications/diets.