Vitamin B12: All vitamins and nutrients are essential for a healthy body. Proteins, minerals, and vitamins are needed the most for the body to function. If there is a deficiency of any one vitamin, it may cause serious illnesses. Vitamin B12 is one such essential nutrient for the body, deficiency of which can cause serious health problems. 

Why is Vitamin B12 important for the body?

According to experts, Vitamin B12 is also known as 'Cobalamine'. Vitamin B12 is crucial to the normal functioning of the brain. It is involved in the formation of red blood cells and helps regulate DNA. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause neurological problems in the body.

Diseases caused due to Vitamin B-12 deficiency.

Experts say that Vitamin B-12 helps to keep the body healthy. People who are deficient in Vitamin B12 tend to lose weight rapidly. Their muscles weaken, and the color of the skin turns yellow. The deficiency of Vitamin B12 may cause neurological damage. Such people often become delusional. Hence it is important to have a healthy diet to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency in the body. People over the age of 18 should consume 2s.4 micrograms of Vitamin B12 daily. 

Main sources of Vitamin B-12

Non-vegetarians can get Vitamin B12 from multiple sources. You can get Vitamin B12 from chicken, meat, fish, and eggs. Vitamin B12 is also found in animal products. Eggs contain a good amount of Vitamin B2 and B12. Eating 2 eggs a day will fulfill 46 percent of the daily requirement of Vitamin B12. 

Vegetarian sources of Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B12 is present in few vegetarian foods, but dairy products like milk, curd, and cheese contain a good amount of Vitamin B12. With these foods, you can get an adequate amount of Vitamin B12. Apart from this, Vitamin B12 is also found in almonds, cashew, tofu, oats, and coconut milk.

Avoid these things if you are deficient in Vitamin B12.

If you have Vitamin B-12 deficiency, then you should avoid alcohol. Alcohol can further lower Vitamin B12 levels. Also, you should avoid consuming folic acid in excess.