New Delhi: US President Donald Trump has said that Covid 19 the vaccine could be ready within a month and that a vaccine may not even be required as the virus can go away by itself once “herd mentality” develops, referring to “herd immunity”.

During a town hall question-and-answer session with voters in Pennsylvania which aired on ABC News Trump said “We’re very close to having a vaccine,” a report by Agence France-Presse said. “We’re within weeks of getting it you know -- could be three weeks, four weeks,” he said.

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Before which Trump, while speaking to Fox News, claimed the vaccine could be ready in four or eight weeks.

Democrats feel that Trump is putting pressure on the scientists and government health regulators to approve a vaccine to improve his bid to be reelected in the November elections. Experts including top US government infectious diseases doctor Anthony Fauci say vaccine approval is more likely toward the end of the year.

At the ABC town hall, Trump was asked why he’d downplayed the gravity of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has already killed close to 200,000 people in the US, he replied “I didn’t downplay it. I actually, in many ways, I up-played it in terms of action.”

Trump also claims that the deadly virus will just disappear. “It would go away without the vaccine but it’s going to go away a lot faster with it,” he said.
According to the Agence France-Presse report, when asked how the virus would go away by itself, he said “you’ll develop like a herd mentality,” apparently meaning the concept of herd immunity when enough people have developed resistance to the disease to effectively stop transmission.

“It’s going to be herd developed and that’s going to happen. That will all happen but with a vaccine, I think it will go away very quickly. But I really believe we’re rounding the corner,” he said.

Recently, the CDC chief biosafety expert Guizhen Wu said during an interview with state TV that phase 3 clinical trials of the vaccine are proceeding smoothly and that the vaccines could be ready for the general public in November or December. Russia is the only country so far that has released its vaccine for Covid 19 for public use.