{By: Dr. Uday Phadke} 

Obesity is a major health challenge that affects millions of people worldwide. It's not just about eating too much or moving too little; the reasons behind obesity are complex and multifaceted. While lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise are critical in the management of body weight, genetics also play a pivotal role. Genetics can predispose some individuals to obesity, making it more challenging for them to maintain a healthy weight compared to others. This genetic influence involves various genes that affect appetite, metabolism, and the body's ability to store fat. Understanding these genetic factors is crucial for developing targeted interventions that can help in the prevention and management of obesity.

ALSO READ: Raising Awareness About Preventing Early Obesity In Infants

Genetic Basis Of Obesity

Obesity stems from an amalgam of genetic preconditions and behavioural factors that relate to nutrition and physical activity. Experts believe that genetic factors account for approximately 40-70% of a person's chance to develop obesity. This implies that certain individuals may have higher chances of becoming obese due to certain genes they have received from their parents. These genes can influence things like metabolic rate or appetite control, each contributing mildly to moderately to the person's body weight outcome.

There are a number of important factors when it comes to the different genetics of obesity’s family. The Fat Mass and Obesity Associated Gene named as FTO is one of the most studied ones in this field. Changes made in this gene could make one overeat and exercise under-optimally, both of which aid in increasing weight. Another one is MC4R or Melanocortin 4 Receptor which helps control our appetite and how our body expends energy; mutations here are a common culprits for obesity in terms of genetic adaptive problems. Another one is the hormone regulating energy balance known as the leptin and its receptor, which is coded by LEP and LEPR genes. People with these mutations, potentially, can have faulted energy balance which causes them to eat too much and suffer from extreme obesity.

Polygenic Obesity

While some rare forms of obesity are caused by changes in just one gene (monogenic disorders), the more common type of obesity involves many genes (polygenic). In most cases, obesity results from the combined effects of multiple small genetic differences. Scientists are developing something called polygenic risk scores to help understand these effects better. These scores add up the impact of these small genetic differences to predict how likely someone is to become obese. This information can then be used to create personalised advice for diet and lifestyle, helping individuals manage or prevent obesity based on their genetic makeup.

Gene-Environment Interactions

How genes respond to environmental factors is a deciding factor in obesity. One example is the consumption of high-caloric food, where individuals with specific genetic predispositions may get obese, but being active might mitigate this risk. These are important in creating more comprehensive approaches regarding health. This is applied in personalised medicine, where specific plans are designed for known obese patients, and in some cases, more proactive measures are provided from the start. It also directs the creation of new therapies, like medicines that act on certain genetic parts of the body controlling appetite and weight. Furthermore, taking note of how various genes interact with the environment allows more tailored public health initiatives to target specific demographics. This will not only help control and treat obesity but also make sure interventions and policies are just and tailored to different genetic groups.

The author, Dr. Uday Phadke is the Director of Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes at Sahyadri Super Speciality Hospital, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune

[Disclaimer: The information provided in the article, including treatment suggestions shared by doctors, is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.]